Write a method to return the minimum number of coins needed to match a given value. Assume coin denominations are 25, 10, 5, 1.
Example: If the value is 101, then we require four 25 cents coins and one 1 cent coin, so total is 5 coins.
public static int coinCount(int value){
int[] denominations = {25, 10, 5, 1};
int coinCount = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < denominations.length; i++){
if(value % denominations[i] == 0){
coinCount = coinCount + ( value/denominations[i]);
if(value % denominations[i] > 0){
int r = value / denominations[i];
coinCount = coinCount + r;
value = value % denominations[i];
return coinCount;
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